HomeStories75-Year-Old Man Creates a 150-Foot Dragon After 13 Years of Effort

75-Year-Old Man Creates a 150-Foot Dragon After 13 Years of Effort

Your hobby can be anything, but it’s important to make time for it. Taking a break helps you relax and step away from work and other responsibilities. Plus, it supports your personal growth. The more you practice, the better you get! Whether it’s football, singing, or even turning a hedge into a dragon, practice makes perfect. Wait—did you say a hedge?

Meet John Brooker, a 75-year-old British pensioner who spent the last 13 years transforming his massive hedge. Stretching 150 feet along his home and rental properties, his shrubs are now anything but boring.

“One day, I was at the kitchen sink, and I thought the hedge looked dull,” John shared. “So, I decided to do something about it.”

Now, John devotes one day a week to his hobby of sculpting and gardening. With trusty scissors and the right tools, he’s created something remarkable. But why a dragon?

“I think it goes back to my army days,” John explained. “I served two tours in Malaysia, so maybe the dragon was in my subconscious. I added wings, and the top was easy enough. But each year, I add two more rows to give it more detail.”

Credit: Ed Norfolk

His wife, Pippa, a retired graphic designer, helped with some design ideas. But the hard work? That’s all John, and he’s incredibly proud.

After 13 years of dedication, John’s talent is clear. Of course, if he makes a mistake, he has to wait for the hedge to grow back before fixing it—but that’s part of the fun!

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