Let’s take a journey to a magical world with animals that feel like they’ve stepped straight out of a fantasy.
Humans have been fascinated for centuries by mythical creatures, especially dragons. The legends never get old, and we can’t help but be captivated by stories of these majestic beings. But as it turns out, nature has given us a real-life surprise: a lizard that looks a lot like the dragons from our dreams.
Meet the “flying dragons”—a species from the genus Draco. These lizards belong to the Agamidae family and live high up in the trees of Southeast Asia’s tropical forests.
These creatures have wing-like membranes along their sides, allowing them to glide from tree to tree. They can grow up to 8-10 inches long and reach heights of nearly 60 meters!
Their diet is insect-based, with tree ants being a special favorite.
Flying dragons rarely come down from the treetops. But when it’s time to reproduce, males use their colorful “wings” to catch a female’s eye.
After mating, the female digs a small hole on the forest floor, lays 4-5 eggs, and covers them with soil and leaves. She guards the eggs for about 24 hours, then returns to her treetop home.
There are several species of flying dragons, each with its own colors and unique traits.
With their stunning beauty, these gliding lizards look like they’ve leaped right out of a magical fairy tale!