HomeLifestyleMom Accidentally Names Twins After TV Characters and Fears the Backlash

Mom Accidentally Names Twins After TV Characters and Fears the Backlash

Imagine naming your newborn twins in a haze of post-birth exhaustion, only to realize later you might’ve accidentally named them after iconic TV characters. That’s exactly what happened to one mom, and now she’s second-guessing her choice.

Sharing her story anonymously on NetMums, the mom explained how she felt rushed to pick names for her twins shortly after giving birth. Add to that the effects of being on strong medication, and it’s easy to see how she ended up naming her babies Charlie and Lola—unknowingly matching the beloved British cartoon siblings.

For those unfamiliar, Charlie and Lola is a classic animated show based on books by Lauren Child. The duo captured hearts with their quirky sibling adventures, playful banter, and Lola’s famous love for pink milk. While the show ended years ago, its legacy is still strong, which is why this mom is now cringing every time someone reacts to her babies’ names.

Credit: JedisParadise

“I love both names, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like I made the wrong decision,” she confessed on the forum. “I always get awkward reactions when people ask.”

She added that at the time, she’d been on Tramadol for days and wasn’t thinking clearly. Now, as she approaches the official registration deadline, she’s feeling the pressure to decide.

“If I do change a name, it’ll just be from Lola to Lila—one letter different. That way, it’s not too confusing for anyone, especially the baby,” she wrote.

Her biggest concern? That people will mock her kids for having names that scream Charlie and Lola. “I’m the one who spends more time with other parents and children, and I dread their reactions when they ask,” she admitted.

But instead of laughing, people rallied around her with support.

Photo by Elina Fairytale: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-playing-with-her-children-3806953/

“Aw, no! Keep them. They’re lovely names, and so what if they’re from a cartoon?” one person wrote. Another added, “Charlie and Lola are such sweet characters! Charlie is a great big brother, and Lola is so creative and fun. They’re wonderful names.”

A third commenter reassured her: “By the time they’re in school, the TV show might not even be relevant anymore. My parents avoided a name because of a cartoon, and years later, no one even remembered it!”

Now, the mom faces a tough choice: stick with the names she picked in the moment or make a small change before it’s too late.

What do you think—should she keep the names or go with her instincts? Share your thoughts in the comments and tag a friend who’d appreciate this story!

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