HomeNatureThis Mama Duck’s 56 Babies Will Leave You in Awe

This Mama Duck’s 56 Babies Will Leave You in Awe

There’s something so adorable about watching a line of tiny ducks swimming happily behind their mother. Their little feet paddle furiously beneath the calm surface, creating a peaceful scene below.

Credit: Brent Cizek

Typically, a mother duck is followed by five or ten ducklings. But this extraordinary mother, dubbed “Super Mom,” was spotted with an astounding 56 babies in tow.

Credit: Brent Cizek

Brent Cizek, a passionate animal photographer, was determined to capture the beauty of wildlife. Last winter, he bought a small boat to get closer to the animals he loves. His mission was simple: photograph them in their natural environment.

Credit: Brent Cizek

Come summer, he set out to Minnesota’s largest lakes, with Lake Bemidji as his destination. The water was choppy, but that didn’t deter him. “It wasn’t the best day for boating,” Cizek recalled. “The wind was strong, and the waves tossed my boat in every direction.”

Despite the rough conditions, Cizek pressed on, not expecting much but hoping for a lucky shot. That’s when he saw it—a common Merganser mother with a trail of ducklings behind her.

Credit: Brent Cizek

“As I got closer, my heart started racing,” he said. “I had never seen anything like it. I knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime moment, so I started snapping pictures, hoping one would turn out.”

Incredibly, he counted 76 babies with her. “She must have picked up more ducklings along the way,” he marveled. “It’s amazing. It will be a sad day when they all leave for migration.”

Scientists say it’s common for mergansers to adopt extra ducklings, creating a sort of daycare system. But as any parent knows, taking care of one or two children is a challenge—imagine looking after 76!

Credit: Brent Cizek

What do you think of these incredible photos and this super mom’s skills? Share your thoughts in the comments, and don’t forget to share this heartwarming story with your family and friends!

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