HomeStoriesDid a 1981 Author See COVID-19 Coming?

Did a 1981 Author See COVID-19 Coming?

Have you heard the buzz about The Eyes of Darkness? This book by renowned US horror novelist Dean Koontz is causing quite a stir on social media.

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Written in 1981 and initially published under the pen name Leigh Nichols, this novel seems to have eerily predicted the COVID-19 pandemic. The story centers on Tina Evans, a mother devastated by the disappearance of her son during a camping trip. After a year of grief, she dreams that her son is alive and discovers a message in his room saying “NOT DEAD.” Determined to uncover the truth, Tina embarks on a quest to find out what happened to him.

In its original 1981 release, the book mentions a biological weapon called “Gorki400” from Russia. But when it was republished in 1989 under Koontz’s real name, things took a strange turn. The updated version introduces a new biological weapon called “Wuhan-400,” created by a scientist named Li Chen in Wuhan, China.

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Does that name sound familiar? Could this be more than just a coincidence? Why would the author change the plot from Russia to China and specifically to Wuhan?

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The novel describes Wuhan-400 as a “perfect weapon,” affecting only humans. It causes brain tissue destruction and is 100% fatal, unlike the real COVID-19, which has a much lower fatality rate.

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Nick Hinton, a Twitter user, brought this intriguing connection to light. While COVID-19 primarily attacks the respiratory system, the fictional Wuhan-400 targets the brain, leading to death by destroying automatic bodily functions.

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Credit: Respective owner

Despite the unsettling similarities, Koontz hasn’t commented on these eerie parallels. However, the discussion continues to grow on Twitter, with many taking these connections seriously. What do you think? Is it a spooky coincidence or something more?

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