HomeNatureJust Hatched: Baby Chameleon Still Acts Like It’s in the Egg

Just Hatched: Baby Chameleon Still Acts Like It’s in the Egg

Who can resist a baby animal? We all go “awww” when we see one, and this baby chameleon is no exception. But what makes this little guy even more special? He doesn’t even know he’s been born yet! This rare moment gives us a peek into what baby chameleons look like while they’re still inside their eggs.

Credit: Respective owner

Canvas Chameleon, a pet shop and breeder in Reading, Pennsylvania, shared this heartwarming story. They explained that the baby chameleon had trouble “pipping” – a process where reptiles and birds use a special egg tooth to break free from their eggs. Since the chameleon struggled to do this, they stepped in to help him out.

Credit: Respective owner

Despite the messy hatching, the little chameleon is safe and sound, surrounded by his siblings.

“I had to help him out of the egg,” the breeder shared. “I don’t think he could’ve done it on his own because the egg didn’t pip correctly.”

Credit: Respective owner

They went on to explain that when an egg pips on the side, it can make it hard for the baby to push out. “Sometimes they push out other parts, like their yolk sac, which can sadly be fatal.”

Credit: Respective owner

In this case, the breeder decided to step in: “I felt it was necessary to play mother nature and give him a helping hand.”

Now, this seconds-old baby chameleon is settling in with his siblings, safe and sound!

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