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These Two Penguins Show Us That Animals Feel Emotions Just Like We Do

As humans, we’re always racing through life. But thanks to the pandemic, we’ve had the chance to slow down and appreciate what really matters. More than anything, I think we’ve realized how important our loved ones are. It’s so easy to take people for granted until we’re forced to stop and think.

But are we the only ones who long for comfort from others?

Here’s proof that animals do too. Two widowed penguins, seen hugging each other while gazing at the Melbourne skyline, give us all the feels.

Image credits: tobiasvisuals

Australian photographer Tobias Baumgaertner captured this once-in-a-lifetime moment. On his Instagram, he wrote, “During times like this, the truly lucky ones are those who can be with the people they love the most. I took this photo about a year ago. These two Fairy penguins were standing on a rock, flipper in flipper, staring at the sparkling Melbourne skyline. They stood there for hours, watching the lights of the city and the ocean. A volunteer told me the white one was an elderly female who had lost her partner, and the younger male beside her had also lost his. Since then, they meet regularly to comfort each other, standing side by side for hours, watching the lights together. I spent three full nights with this penguin colony, trying to capture this magical moment. Without being able to use any lights and with the penguins constantly moving, rubbing their flippers on each other’s backs, and grooming one another, it was tough to get the shot. But I got lucky. I hope you enjoy this moment as much as I did.”

Volunteers told Tobias that after losing their partners, the penguins formed this special bond, meeting regularly for comfort.

Back in 2019, Tobias spent three nights with them, trying to capture their heartwarming friendship.

And people couldn’t get enough of the photos and their touching story.

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