As humans, we’re always racing through life. But thanks to the pandemic, we’ve had the chance to slow down and appreciate what really matters. More than anything, I think we’ve realized how important our loved ones are. It’s so...
Are you an Angry Birds fan? I sure am! Ever thought about watching real birds and how fascinating they are? It’s so much fun to see how different animals behave. You could even turn it into a hobby. The bird...
Who can resist a baby animal? We all go "awww" when we see one, and this baby chameleon is no exception. But what makes this little guy even more special? He doesn’t even know he’s been born yet! This...
Nature never stops surprising us. No matter where we look, there's always something incredible in the natural world. Yet, while many of us turn to nature for comfort, we often neglect to protect the environment that provides it. We usually...
Fire Rainbows: Nature’s Brilliant Sky Surprise Have you ever heard of a fire rainbow? Also known as a circumhorizontal arc, this spectacular phenomenon brightens up the sky from time to time. But what makes it happen? Fire rainbows occur when the...
When we scroll through photos of animals, we often see cats, dogs, and maybe even horses. But this photographer captured something different—a pig in a field of pink tulips! Meet Fluffy, the therapy pig. She has a special talent for...
Nature never stops surprising us. From beautiful gardens to towering trees and amazing animals, it always has something to show. But, it's rare to find small creatures that are both beautiful and fascinating. Today, we’re talking about one bug...
We humans like to think we’re the only ones who are experts at everything. But what if I told you there's a parrot species that can understand probability—also known as statistical inference? Pretty amazing, right? Tests on six kea parrots...
There’s something so adorable about watching a line of tiny ducks swimming happily behind their mother. Their little feet paddle furiously beneath the calm surface, creating a peaceful scene below. Typically, a mother duck is followed by five or ten...
This heartwarming photo was shared by Georgea Thomas on her Facebook page. The story behind it is one that will melt your heart. Last month, our beloved dog Abbey, who was 14 years old, passed away. The day after Abbey’s...
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