HomeStoriesHow Pool Noodles Became a Clever Social Distancing Tool

How Pool Noodles Became a Clever Social Distancing Tool

Covid-19 hit the world hard. As 2020 began, the pandemic seemed to take almost everything from us. But, little by little, we’re recovering together.

Germany is one country that managed to beat back the virus. By May 14, 2020, Germany had reported 174,948 cases with about 150,300 recoveries and 7,928 deaths. Chancellor Angela Merkel said they had successfully slowed the spread of the virus. Still, she reminded everyone to follow safety measures, as the danger wasn’t completely gone yet.

Credit: Respective owner

With the situation improving, restrictions were eased. Cafeterias were allowed to reopen, but under strict rules. And this brings us to a fun story about “Café Rothe Schwerin” and its creative approach to social distancing.

Credit: Respective owner

Jacqueline Rothe, the café’s owner, wanted to make sure her customers stayed safe while having a little fun. She came up with a clever idea: attaching pool noodles to customers’ hats to help them maintain distance. Pretty cool, right?

Credit: Respective owner
Credit: Respective owner

Here are people’s thoughts on this brilliant idea.

Credit: Respective owner
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