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The Heartwarming Story of a Single Dad and His New Daughter with Down Syndrome

It’s always heartwarming to witness the best of humanity, and this single father is truly among the best. When a 13-day-old girl with Down syndrome needed a home, 20 potential adopters passed her by. But one man stepped forward, determined to give her the love she deserved. Yet, his journey to fatherhood wasn’t easy.

Luca Trapanese, an Italian single father, faced a tough battle. In Italy, social services rarely grant custody to single parents, and they often discriminate against homosexuals. Being both gay and single put Luca at a disadvantage.

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But Luca knew in his heart that adopting Alba, a two-week-old baby with Down syndrome, was the right thing to do. After a long struggle with social services, his perseverance paid off. Luca became the proud father of a beautiful little girl. Alba finally had a home after so many others had turned away from adopting her.

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Luca believes that his groundbreaking adoption “destroys stereotypes about fatherhood, religion, and family.” And it’s hard to disagree. His love for a child in need proves he has everything Alba could ever need from a father. Regardless of his sexuality or relationship status, Luca is giving Alba the love and care every child deserves.

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Luca has spent his life working as a caregiver for people with special needs, always dreaming of becoming a father. Now, his dream has come true. He and Alba are living happily together, with the authorities finally granting him custody.

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Alba is now almost two years old, and Luca is confident he made the right decision. The bond they share is unbreakable, showing the world that stereotypes have no place in their lives. They love each other deeply, and that’s what matters most.

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